The article exposes the nation's largest anti-war coalition, United for Peace and Justice, as a large umbrella association of anti-American groups such as the Communist Party USA, Anti-Capitalist Convergence, Socialist Party USA, Anti-Imperialist News Service, Black Radical Congress and Workers Party, etc., and points to the coinciding of the interests of radical Moslems and that of the radical socialists in the war against the crusaders.
As Kohlmayer eloquently writes, "It is understandable why many well-meaning citizens are worried about the course of this war, but they should carefully consider the manner in which they express their concerns. Above all, they should not fall for ploys of domestic radicals who seek to subvert America by limiting the government’s ability to fight the enemy whose consuming goal is our destruction."

This is why we fight. It would do some Americans good to remember that.
Whether it takes three years, or three hundred, we will fight this menace until we beat it.
cube, it seems we woke up on the same side of the bed this morning.
I think we should fear domestic extremists even more.
rgmb: certainly not the left side ;-)
phoenix: I fear the union of both groups even more.
cube, na, I kind of slid off the end in the middle, but a little more to the right where the crunchy conservatives are.
I'm def a right side of the bed as well!
The War on Terror is and will be messy & difficult.
It is a war we must win.
I like President Bush. I do not agree with his lack of action on securing our borders, but I am very thankful that he is steadfast about the war on terror. Completing the job in Iraq is a strategic step in the right direction, but there have been missteps along the way. I'm hoping that a free, democratic Iraq will begin to turn the tide in that part of the world, denying terrorists safe havens.
As a peace activist I object to being labeled "communist" and/or "extremist".
When it comes to extremism I consider the Bush, Sr. administration as being right-wing but not extreme... jr.'s administration is extremist.
This entire mess with the Iraq war was totally predictable by me and members of the Bush, Sr. administration, namely Brent Scowcroft. He wrote a book in conjecture with Bush Sr. "A World Transformed" and laid out what could happen, which is exactly what DID HAPPEN.
The parallels between this and Vietnam just continue and continue and continue from the propaganda to the results on the ground. And that, my friend, has nothing to do with people who have the same views as I have being communist or extremist... those are simply facts.
I once interviewed a young veteran of the first Gulf War. He was a member of Special Ops. and he was never able to tell even his own family what he had been doing or where he was going.
He did say one point, his unit had Saddam in their crosshairs - literally. Just a pull of the trigger, and he would've been history.
However they were given the order not to do it.
I wonder if Bush Sr. had not succumbed to international pressures and had given that order...I do wonder...
I agree: The war on Iraque is ugly and difficult. Probably a tough thing to handle for any president.
I think what some people within the States and abroad are unhappy with is the way it sarted and where it is now. The USA invaded orginally because of weapons of mass destruction-if I remember correctly, which were never found. From there it went on to finding Saddam, then to giving the Iraqui people freedom...
Many people were killed, on both sides.
I think people just feels deceived and it is hard to appreciate a president fighting terrorism, when you have to question his motives.
Acton, dear,
I could have sworn we did use our troops and money in Afghanistan. But if you say we didn't, I must be wrong. Thanks for setting me straight.
karen: like it or not, there is a connection between United for Peace & Justice and the anti-American groups listed above. That connection is very worrisome to me.
Vietnam & TGWOT are both wars, yes, but TGWOT uses a volunteer military to fight a foe that seeks to cause further destruction to us here at home. Hardly a Vietnam.
Propaganda is a relative term. I think the liberal media spews out
propaganda daily. Go figure.
actonbell: those groups you call "caring" are most decidedly not anything of the kind. They are dedicated to undermining the very fabric of our country.
Go ask people who have lived in socialist or communist regimes just how nicely they treat their citizens, and how well their economies work, and how much they respect human rights and freedom.
Believe me these groups are not looking out for the USA.
"It is understandable why many well-meaning citizens are worried about the course of this war, but they should carefully consider the manner in which they express their concerns. Above all, they should not fall for ploys of domestic radicals who seek to subvert America by limiting the government’s ability to fight the enemy whose consuming goal is our destruction."
This sums it up better than almost anything else I've ever read.
jenn: I thought so too. They are potent words.
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