Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Serious Or Frivolous?

In his column entitled
Frivolous Politics
, Thomas Sowell provides excellent insight into the differences between looking at the grim issues that face our country with a frivolous outlook (liberals and the biased media) or with a serious outlook (conservatives).

Sowell warns, "You may deserve whatever you get if you vote frivolously in this year's election. But surely the next generation, which has no vote, deserves better."

Vote seriously.

Vote Republican.


Brooke said...

And make sure that republican is a hard-you-know-what when it comes to immigration, terrorism, and fiscal responsibility.

Unknown said...

Well...Personally I'm ready to throw all the bums out!

cube said...

brooke: I hear you.

jill: before you cast your vote, ask yourself who will better fight the war on terror? (and not cut & run).

Who will deal with N. Korea & Iraq from a position of strength? (and not by rewarding them with a nuclear reactor and a policy of appeasement)

Who will keep taxes down and the economy up? (instead of hiking taxes and slowing the recent economic growth), etc..

I can go on and on, but you get the gist.

Voting is a privilege that should be taken seriously, not one undertaken out of sheer frustration that is, in part, fueled by the liberal press who eagerly wants you to vote their way.

WomanHonorThyself said...

Lord help us all if we lose......arg!

nanc said...

we must always remember, the Lord has claimed responsibility for all those in power. sowell's right though, we must be responsible.

MCF said...

A friend's girlfriend was complaining about some politicians over the weekend. One of the guys in our band asked her who she was voting for and she scoffed, "Ugh, please. I don't vote." Don't complain then. There's a lot of ignorance in this country.

The Korea thing is scary too. I wonder how many people will oppose any action there, claiming the WMD's were made up as an excuse to invade for some other reason. Politics is too often a popularity contest, or a vote for who will let "us" do what "we" want. People do need to take it seriously.

cube said...

woman: yes, the stakes are high.

nanc: responsibility is good.

mcf: I agree. People who don't educate themselves on the issues and who don't take voting seriously really should vote on Wednesday, November 3rd.