From the Huffington Post:
"Mrs. Obama looked resplendent in a yellow frock, offset by a green ceramic flower brooch, and two-tone pumps".
Are we looking at the same photo?
I'm seeing a plucked Big Bird standing next to a doofus with a used car salesman smile.
Oh, and the President of Italy and his First Lady, too.
I guess there is a slight disconnect between Huffpo and The BLOG.
Go figure.
Aaaahhhh...attack of the Fifty Foot First Lady! My goodness she looks huge compared to the others in that line. Yellow was a poor choice. Yikes.
Banana slug comes to mind. Definitely not her color or that of anyone else.
Ananda Girl: lol! Attack Of The 50
Foot Woman was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. Thanks to you, I'll never be able to watch it again without picture MO.
Jan: Banana slug. That never occurred to me, but I agree about the yellow. Not a good choice and definitely not sleeveless. What is up with the fashion mavens going along with this unfashionista nonsense?
proof - beauty is in the eyes of the beerholder...
God forgive me, but THIS is the first thing that came to my mind when i first saw this photo.
Sorry, not a fashion clinic. I'm with Cube though, my God she is tall
On another subject...
*Hey! Today at 5 minutes and 6 seconds after 4:00... it will be 04.05.06 ! This will never happen again in our life time.
Ugh. Why on earth is Michelle Obama's wardrobe worth a moment of our time?
I think Michelle could snap her hubby like a twig.
A resplendent Mishaq Obama indeed!
That's funny, I thought the doofus
served his eight years and is now residing in Dallas.
As a tall woman I resemble these remarks. Humf, I will now go and put on my go to meet the president of France frock. Humf.
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