Halloween creeped up on me this year. For some reason I was thinking it was tomorrow and freaked out this morning because we had already eaten most of the candy. Luckily my husband brought some home last night on his way home from work.
Thank you dear.
Happy Halloween, Candy Breath.
Hey, I didn't eat all that candy! My husband and daughters helped... a lot.
Love the graphic
Great idea!
We didn't hand out candy this year. We stayed home and watched some old tv shows.
Hi cube - The wife and I are "tweeners". Our own 3 boys are grown but we don't have any grandchildren (yet), so we really enjoyed (maybe for the first time) handing out candy to the children and trying to engage them in small talk (no, I didn't get political with them :) Cute kids!
Jan: Loved it too.
Granny Annie: I thought so too.
Leticia: Early on in our marriage, my husband had some late work on Halloween so I decided to rent some horror movies... really bad idea. I scared myself silly.
DaBlade: Thats what my husband did. He ran into a bunch of really cute kids. No politics last night. Just candy.
Cube - Good cartoon.
Halloween was postponed this year until today - because of the rain -
then as it turned out we didn't have any rain as predicted.
The grandkids are coming tonight and are going to trick 'r treat here. Looks like I'll be making the rounds with them. Boo.
Sue Hanes: I hope you have a good Halloweeen. Poor kidds. I hope it works out OK.
Good pic Cube. I see you have a sweet tooth. Me too.
Teresa: Yes, I do have a sweet tooth.
Give me some candy!!!!! ;:)
Ni Postingannya tuh ganing.. Vista back on me Jual Skripsi
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