6-foot Beast Makes Unwelcome Appearance At Apopka, Orlando Store
Not too long ago, my husband was standing at a nearby golf course and he looked over and saw a small gator standing next to him.
Years ago, while we were canoeing on the Hillsborough River, we had a huge gator go underneath our canoe and my husband was very angry with me because I was more afraid of a dragonfly than a creature that could eat us both.
Life in Florida.
Cube - What a Florida woman you are.
I have to agree with your husband and I would be afraid of the gator.
I don't know what it means to be a Florida woman. I just know I hate bugs! My husband knows this even when he steers the canoe into bushes where there are millions of spiders and I'm the one in the front of the boat. I could throttle him for that.
I was going to write something about alligators, but I lost it when I read that Hal 9000 big red eye watching me and had all my data correct.
Jan: lol. Our bookkeeper had no idea what Hal 9000 was and when we explained it to her she said, "Maybe that's why you're having so many problems with your computer".
I wonder if it is difficult to outrun an alligator?
OMG we NYers would have a stroke..ha
Those dragonflies are man eaters.
Granny Annie: They are faster on land than people think. They look big and lumbering, but don't let that fool you. I wouldn't want to try and outrun one.
And if they catch you in the water, they roll you over and over until you drown, and then they eat you.
WomanHonorThyself: lol. When I moved here from Manhattan, I got a real fast education.
Woodsterman (Odie): As long as they're not woman eaters I'll live
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