Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Reefer Madness

43,900 Tires Pulled From Atlantic In Cleanup This Year

Some call it reefer madness, some call it well-intentioned, but in any event, the attempt in 1972 to created the world's largest artificial reef made of tires has become an ecological disaster.

Hmmm, a feel good measure put into play without rigorous scientific study. Sounds remarkably like todays global warming fiasco.


Brooke said...

Check and Mate, Cube! LOL!

nanc said...

speaking of tawrs (as they say in the south) - at the walmart garden center they other day, amidst the soils, fertilizers and ground cover - they had CHIPPED TAWRS! brown chipped tawrs to use as you would the lava rock or pea gravel - i swear to you it looked like smooth varied chipped wood!

what i was wondering was the density of it - would it float away in a heavy rain?

strangest thing i've seen this week.

cube said...

brooke: These libs keep voting for the well-intentioned road to hell.

nanc: The little kids' playground at my girls' old school had a chipped tire surface & it worked just fine. Easy on the knees & I never saw it float away in the rain.

Dr. John said...

Cube - "those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" (Rush, "Witch Hunt")

Nanc - I have shredded tires around the swingset I built 4 years ago for my 2 girls and I don't regret spending the extra $ to do it. They are clean. I have never had to replace them. Weeds don't grow in them. Animals don't poop in them (except the birds).

nanc said...

dr. john - what worries me is the affinity that catz have for anything plastic or rubber...is my flower garden going to smell like a litter box?

it was actually quite inexpensive - less than three bucks for 1.5 cu. ft. of tire material - my question to you is, "do the cats stay out of it?"

WomanHonorThyself said...

lol well intentioned road to hell is right..what next!!

Dr. John said...

Nanc - I don't own any cats but there are strays in the neighborhood. I have not seen any cat poop anywhere. I think the shreds are big enough that they can't dig in it like litter or sand.

Cube - sorry for going off topic.

cube said...

angel: obamanation: the ramming of obama down our collective throats by the MSM. We've seen some, but now it will ramp up.

dr. john: Not to worry. All comments are welcome.

nanc said...

that's not o.t., dr. john! allow me to tell you about o.t........

*:] o.t. queen

Jamie Dawn said...

You are so right!
Oh boy, don't get me started on the lunacy of the global warming movement.

Caz said...

Given that 700.000 is an awful, awful, awful, awful lot of tires, and at this rate it will take another 13 years or so to retrieve the tires (those that haven't escaped), wouldn't you think that, even in the childish days of 1972, someone would have done a pilot study, with ... ooooh ... half a dozen tires, to check if hardy rubber was a natural and welcome part of the oceanic ecosystem?

Just a thought. After the event.

BTW - thought the pic was lots of rolled up condoms.

cube said...

caz: caz: A pilot study would be too logical. These feel-good measures are never well thought out. They just gather steam via repetition and if someone counters the idea, they're accused of being anti-Earth, or anti-clean oceans.

We can see the same thing ocurring today with the globalwarming nonsense. Anyone who voices the slightest opposition is scorned or worse.

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