Saturday, July 25, 2015

Glub Glub...

This is a photo I took from our front porch this morning. We've had a lot of rain in the last few days and our yard is a soggy mess. It's really much worse than it looks in the picture.

Rainfall for July is 4.60 inches.

Rainfall for the last 24 hours is 2.74 inches.

The above stats are illustrative of the comparatively large amount of rain we've gotten since yesterday and the forecast calls for more the rest of the week.

Needless to say, we are all past bored around here.


Sandee said...

You can send all unwanted rain our way. We are in a huge drought here.

Have a great day, not a boring day. ☺

cube said...

I'd love too. We can't even walk in our yard with galoshes. The only ones happy around here are the frogs. They're throwing parties every night.

jan said...

It seems like every place in the country is getting hit with more rain than they want and here we sit without a cloud in the sky.

Z said...

If Sandee (or Jan?), above, is from California, we need to start gearing up, too...El Nino is supposed to hit us with TONS OF RAIN this winter! I worry that my kitchen parquet will come up as it's only got a sliding glass door between it and the patio! :-) That only happens every 8 years or so, but this might be the one!

frogs are a happy noise, aren't they, Cube. Mom has a little creek under her bedroom window and loves that sound....

cube said...

Jan: I hope it changes soon for you and all the rest of the Californians. I guess Nature doesn't understand the concept of moderation.

messymimi said...

That happens here in the swamps, so you have my sympathy. Hope you dry out a bit soon.

Kid said...

You should move to higher ground. Good Luck !

sue hanes said...

Cube - Sorry you are getting so much rain. I hope it clears up soon and things will get back to normal.

cube said...

Z: Both Jan and Sandee are from CA. I hope they heed your warning.

Frogs don't bother my sleep. I can sleep through noisy A/C units and, sometimes, even loud, bothersome alarm clocks, too. I think it's a survival mechanism because my husband snores loud enough to wake the dead.

cube said...

Messymimi: We deal with too much rain every year. We're used to it. It's just a pain in the butt to not be able to walk around in the yard. Thanks for the sympathy though.

cube said...

Kid: Our house doesn't sit on the ground. It's elevated far enough that we're not worried about flooding inside, although we do have flood insurance just in case. It's a first world annoyance that we have a squishy lawn and huge puddles all over our property. It's one price we pay as Floridians. We deal with it every year.

cube said...

Sue Hanes: Thanks. Today (Sunday), it's almost 5 PM and there hasn't been any rain yet so we're keeping our fingers crossed.