For this Cat Blog Friday...
... a biased kitty journalist who let Hillary's complaints change the tone of his initial story about Hillary's missing emails.
Bad kitty!
NY Times Changes Story About Criminal Inquiry Into Hillary Clinton's emails
The long reach of Clintonian power includes even repurrters.
Try to have a happy Friday despite the news.
Crooks cover for other crooks. The Clinton's are huge crooks. And she's worse than Bill.
Have a purrfect day. ☺
Yup, thick as thieves. The Clintons are grifters who have conned a large portion of this country for a long time. I agree that Hill is worse because she's a bigger ideologue who will not triangulate and who has absolutely no charm.
That photo is brilliant haha!
Have a felinetastic weekend :-)
That picture is a hoot. I must share it with my grandson who is a sports writer for the Tulsa World newspaper
That picture is a hoot. I must share it with my grandson who is a sports writer for the Tulsa World newspaper
She'll say, "What difference does it make." I wonder if people in DC and NY are aware that those of us in Florida and California don't give a ratwass about the New York Times today.
She'll say, "What difference does it make." I wonder if people in DC and NY are aware that those of us in Florida and California don't give a ratwass about the New York Times today.
This makes me madder than a hornet. But it doesn't surprise me, which is part of why i am angry.
Love the cat with the hat. - I don't know to many "honest" politicians though.
Stevebethere: Glad you liked it :)
Granny Annie: Feel free to share. I hope your nephew thinks it's a hoot too.
Jan: It's obvious that they don't give a rat's patootie what we peons think. What passes for journalism from the NY Times is laughable. Really, what difference does it make what you print when it's all agenda-driven drivel.
Messymimi: I hear ya. I feel the same way.
Ida: It is a clever pic. A small percentage of them, very small, might have started out honest, but the elected office seems to stomp out whatever ethics they started out with.
Heyyyyy, look! That's ME! How'd my photo end up on your blog?
~Faraday (yes, I'm named for the scientist. And my bro's named after Maxwell.)
Seriously, I don't mind that you use it, but it *is* a copyrighted image and my intellectual property.
(original --> http://www.atonkstail.com/2014/04/the-making-of-reporter-cat-art-hop.html)
Don't take it down, but please add a link to where you found it as a caption to the photo. I'd really appreciate it.
Just posting so you'll know for future photos you use. There are people out there who would send you legal notice if you used their copyrighted photos without permission. They do it because it's their livelihood you're borrowing.
Thanks - the physicists at A Tonk's Tail
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