Friday, November 02, 2007

Voter Fraud

Raise your hand if you need voter fraud to win the election.

'This Will Make Voter Fraud Easier' : Why does Mrs. Clinton want driver's licenses for illegal aliens?

Illegals + driver's license = new democrat voter.


nanc said...

what a phony she is...sure wish you could photoshop some jailcell bars in front of her smug face...

cube said...

I'd rather those bars were for real.

Shover Robot said...


Her and Spitzer trying to buy votes and don't care about the Rest of us 72% in NY are against this but they don't give a Crap!

Brooke said...

Chinese contributions, voter fraud... Nothing too good for Shrillary.

cube said...

shover: All the dems care about is obtaining power and they'll risk national security to get it.

brooke: The list of clinton scandals just keeps on growing. Clearly, they think they're untouchable.

Look at how much resistance Russert is getting for daring to ask the Queen a question she didn't expect.

If I were Russert, I'd keep an eye out for stray banana peels or puddles of brake fluid under his car.

Jamie Dawn said...

Billl Clinton was a master at walking on both sides of the fence on every issue. He is charismatic, Hillary is not. She does not have Bill's ability to dance around the issues and try to be on both sides.
She better start learning to say Yes or No when asked yes or no questions.

Happy Sunday to YOU!!

Anonymous said...

She's in the lead. Why would she need to engage in voter fraud?

Brooke said...

Two guesses:

1. To ensure that she stays on top.

2. She's such a pathological liar that she just can't help herself. She cannot function without subterfuge.

cube said...

durante vita: She is trying to ensure a win by rallying all possible voters, legal or non-legal.

brooke: The Clintons are pathological liars, but in a very
calculating way.