Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Santorum: McCain Presidency Very Dangerous

I agree.

Look at this way, if the MSM is pushing for McCain, you should be hearing red alert claxons going off in your head.

Don't get me wrong, there is much to respect about John McCain, I just think the Republicans can do better.


Brooke said...

I agree totally, Cube. McCain is a RINO socialist.

I'm going to put up a post for you! :)

Jan said...

I keep forgetting that he is a Republican...

WomanHonorThyself said...

youre right Cube..talk radio was blasting him

cube said...

brooke: Very revealing photo ;-)

jan: I agree. Most of his positions are not conservative in the least. Even though he is considered strong on the war on terror, he loses points for wanting to close Guantanamo & let the terrorists lawyer up & get trials.

angel: Let's hope he doesn't win the primary.

cube said...

Luckily Romney pulled a win in Michigan and not McCain.

Jamie Dawn said...

I like McCain and I respect him, but I don't want him to be our next president.
This election process is truly a nail biter!
Soon there'll be a lot of hoopla coming your way when the candidates all descend on Florida and start scavenging for votes.

cube said...

j.d.: Another thing to consider about McCain is his age & his health. The same thing could be said about Thompson, but the MSM isn't pushing for him like they're doing for McCain.

And yes, the election maelstrom is coming our way. Yippee! ;-)

Grimm said...

I have to agree with Jaime, I repect the guy, but I fear him becoming our next president.

cube said...

grimm: When the liberal press is showcasing a republican candidate, you know there's an agenda.