Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday, Monday



Ananda girl said...

They do, they do. But you made mine better. Thanks for the giggle. :)

BipolarBunny said...

Hee Hee

Jan said...

Unless Monday is a holiday in which case Tuesdays suck even worse.

sue said...

I used to hate Mondays, but now that my husband has retired - everyday is Saturday.

crazy4coens said...

Chicken comics are always right on the mark. Thanks for sharing!

Steve Harkonnen said...

I bounced out of bed this morning, declaring IT'S MONDAY, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET TO WORK!

WomanHonorThyself said...


Chuck said...

I have most Mondays off (a traditionally bad day in the ER). I am not complaining.

DaBlade said...

I'm thankful you didn't accompany this cartoon with a Boomtown Rats vid :)

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

In college I had two bumper stickers on my wall:

"I think I'm allergice to morning"


"I hate Mondays."

I almost forgot about that until I saw your post.

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

I meant "allergic"!

I really did graduate...

Z said...

(don't tell the Mamas and the Papas!)

cube said...

Ananda Girl: Glad you liked it.

CrazyBunnyLady: :-)

Jan: Absolutely. But then the week is shorter so it works out in the end.

Sue: Saturdays are good.

cube said...

Crazy4coens: I love me those Savage Chicken too. Glad to share.

Steve Harkonnen: sarcasm off... ;-)

WomenHonorThyself: Yeah, it's pretty universal.

Chuck: Then again, your Tuesdays always suck.

cube said...

DaBlade: You will never see a BoomTown Rats video on The BLOG... oh wait, I always confuse them with Dexies Midnight Runners. You will never see a Dexies Midnight Runners video on The BLOG. You may see the BoomTown Rats one day.

Pasadena Closet Conservative: Ahh, those good old college days. I used to have a large Periodic Table of Elements on my wall.

Z: I won't say a word to Michelle. I think she's the only one left.