I heard their calls before I saw them. A pair of swallow-tailed kites were flying over my house yesterday, gliding effortlessly back and forth, for minutes.
I bring up Dr. Pausch's passing not only because he was an inspiration to so many, especially with "The Last Lecture" speech, but because it caught my eye that he was a devoted Star Trek fan. In fact, Pausch was invited by film director J. J. Abrams to film a role in the upcoming Star Trek movie in which he also has a line of dialogue.
A kind of immortality, perhaps. I'll be watching for him.
Speaking of 51... has anyone checked out Area 51 in Rachel, Nevada recently. Last time I looked, it was a big white blob shaped like Rosie O'Donnell's head.
There has been much outrage over the Obamas on the cover of The New Yorker magazine lately. Do you remember the same outrage over the above magazine cover portraying Clarence Thomas as the right's lawn jockey?
Read it and weep for the soldiers who can die for their country, but despite the technological advances of our time, are still not able to consistently vote in their country's elections.
Is the MSM too busy over-covering Obama's first (and hopefully, last) foreign policy trip to spend a few minutes on this story?
The ChiCom directive "advocated" that all restaurants serving dog suspend it during the Olympics but made no mention of the many popular establishments with donkey on the menu.
Whose bright idea was it to award China the Olymics, again?
Why this photo, you ask? This photo, currently on our desktop, is of our cat, Pepper. She's beautiful, a veritable super model of cats, except for nose, which looks large because it is brown. Anyway, long story short, my oldest daughter thought it would be fun to alter her nose in the photo, and now she's Piggy Pepper.
The fact that we Americans go to Europe speaking nothing but English is an embarassment to the worldy, Mr. Obama.
Well, I say keep showing your true colors, Obammy, because we Americans just love hearing how bad the USA is compared to the European Union. We love to be preached to by an effete, elite, socialist who harbors a hatred of true Americans.
How refreshing to read something that doesn't slam President Bush, a good and decent man who doesn't deserve the venomous hate the liberal left, and some on the right, heap upon him.
This incident in Denver is just the beginning. The liberal left will run rampant over every institution we Americans hold dear if they are allowed to run all three branches of the government.
One more reason to say NO to Obama in November.
I'm thinking of printing up bumperstickers that read:
The North Carolina state Division of Motor Vehicles notified nearly 10,000 holders of license plates with the letter combination "WTF" that they can get them replaced for free.
I'm not in the Raleigh area, but I don't think I'd trade mine in if I got one.
Dinesh D'Souza treads where most journalists dare not go by highlighting the dangers of affirmative action.
He provides a typical passage of Michelle Obama's college thesis:
"By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desparation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight."
Picking out the mangled grammar and the misspellings is the most interesting part of this snoozefest piece of writing.
Michelle Obama continues, "Every step of the way, there has been people telling me what I couldn't do."