Monday, July 28, 2008

Kite Sighting

I heard their calls before I saw them. A pair of swallow-tailed kites were flying over my house yesterday, gliding effortlessly back and forth, for minutes.

It was a beautiful sight.


Brooke said...

Oh, how cool!

I love the birdies, from the sparrows that like to sand-bathe in our backyard to the turkey vultures that circle the river just waiting, to the hawks that like to sit alongside the freeway waiting for a rodent to venture onto the pavement, to the canary and cockatoo that own us!

nanc said...

i always forget their names so take to calling them scissor tailed birds! of course i'm quickly corrected by my husband, the true birder in the family.

cube said...

brooke: It's been a good couple weeks for birds. I saw my first real life hummingbirds in Cape Cod hanging out by my sister-in-laws feeder. They looked like large moths!

Also saw some new finches and woodpeckers. Woot!

nanc: I didn't know what they were either. I just knew they were something I hadn't seen before. I ran inside & checked one of my birding books.

Unknown said...

I've always enjoyed watching birds. So many different ones with different colors and sounds. I wish I had room here for my feeder and bird bath. It was fun to watch our feathered visitors.

cube said...

I get a kick out of all of nature. I love it all.

David Amulet said...

Very nice! It's been a while since I've seen one of these.

Kathy Farrelly said...

How gorgeous and graceful.
I love birds Cube.
You get a kick outta nature. And "I get a kick outta you "

Jamie Dawn said...

Super cool!

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