Marine Census Finds Life On Both Poles
Big surprise. Researchers documented thousands of species living in the Antarctic and the Arctic, and discovered dozens of species common to both polar seas -separated by 7,000 miles.
Most of the new discoveries were simpler life known as invertebrates, or animals without backbones, also known as politicians.
ack! you stole my politicians-are- invertebrates trope!
But they are!
Those life forms could probably do a better job than our politicians...
they probably have a more workable brain than politicians too.
With global warming the poles are nearly tropical so it's not surprising there is an abundance of life. So the Goracle sayeth, so will it be.
Gifted Typist: When I read this in the paper, it was such an easy lob that I just couldn't resist.
Brooke: I think you're right. At the very least their expenses would be much lower than current pols ;-)
jan: Yes, they both have two neurons, but what separates them from the politicians is that one of their neurons isn't inhibitory.
chuck: So sayeth we all.
It would be funny if all the maroons didn't act like such sheeple.
Just the other day algore got another Grammy for An Inconvenient Truth this time as best spoken word album. It's just unbelievable that this bunk can keep winning awards for years.
That definitely looks scientific - and a pretty invertebrate!
I just had time for the headline today and gotta run!
I wash my north and south poles very vigorously. Does soap and/or toothpaste kill invertebrates?
Good one about the politicians!!
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