Reporter Restrained After Panetta Hearing
Michael Calderone writes: "Following Leon Panetta’s confirmation hearing Thursday, several reporters approached the CIA director-designate in the hallway outside room G-50 in the Dirksen Building.
There, CongressDaily reporter Chris Strohm — upon asking a question — was physically restrained by a man who accompanied Panetta at hearings both days."
I'm curious about what the reporter asked, but there appears to be no mention of that in the article.
So much for open and transparent government...
Saw your comment on "Chuck Thinks Right" and thought I would share my anagram of your word "Chope" with you:
C: Changing
H: history in
O: order to
P: propagate
E: Extremism
:D Leslie
Curing Halitosis of Papal Elephants
Chekov: "HURTS!" (of penetrating earwig)
Chew harder, old pony-ears!
Chuck Harder's Old Practical E-zine
Captain? He's opening putrid eggs!
Chaka! Hand over Papa's eraser!
Cleopatra has official papers, Ernie!
Challenging Hannity Over Public Education.
Claus has ordered Prancer eggnog.
(two months out of date, I know)
Changing History In Order to Parboil Echidnas.
what's an echidna?
Leslie: lol! You have created an anagramatic firestorm. I love it.
Dmarks: lol. You have outdone yourself. I must confess a weakness for the one featuring Chekov ;-)
Birdwoman: An echidna is a small mammal covered with coarse hair & spines which resembles hedgehogs & porcupines. Echidnas are special because they are one of the very few egg-laying mammals, like the
They would definitely require parbroiling before eating, but I'm not sure how much history changing that would cause ;-)
Leslie has infected me as well...
here's mine:
C: Corrupt
H: Hypists
O: Of a
P: Pitiful
E: Executive
And echidna-eggs make a most tasty and PETA-enraging omelette.
Dmarks: Yum! ;-)
Funny one Leslie
LOL Well, I guess I am here to cause a firestorm! LOL
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