While exploring the Inca city of Machu Picchu high in Peru's Andes, Cameron Diaz wore a bag with a red star and Mao's slogan, 'Serve the People' printed in Chinese.
Diaz doesn't read history books or she'd know about the campaign of terror that the Maoist Shining Path conducted in the 1980s and 1990s that killed nearly 70,000 Peruvians.
This is yet another example why you shouldn't listen to dingbat celebrities about global warning either... they don't take science classes.
A West Miami-Dade landscaper died after being struck by an unusual type of lightning that's stronger, hotter, lasts longer and strikes from clear skies.
Yikes! Yikes! Yikes! No one is safe in the country's lightning capital.
Two hours after she was arrested for investigation of drunk driving the Washington State Patrol toxicology lab measured a blood-alcohol content of 0.50
Intrepid isn't the word I would use to describe this zoologist. He's lucky the crocodiles aren't bright enough to notice his cheesy disguise. Then again, maybe they're humoring him.
Or so says Jiang Musheng, a 66-year-old resident of southeast China, who suffered from frequent abdominal pains and coughing until he began to eat the live creatures, as many as twenty mice in one day.
Must be a case of a non-existent gag reflex. Me, I'd rather take a Zantac.
"At a plenary session, Professor Marilyn Frankenstein of the University of Massachusetts’ math education department proclaimed that elementary school teachers should not use traditional math lessons, in which students calculate, say, the cost of food. Rather, the teachers should make clear that in a truly “just society,” food would “be as free as breathing the air.”
The above video is the short version of his audition, but you can view the slightly longer and more Simon-intensive version (yes, Beckeye, that means you)... Here
The Democrat-led state Assembly narrowly approved the bill late on Wednesday. It now goes to the state Senate amid a flurry of legislation that must be passed by Friday.
The sterilization of pets is a good idea, but not when it's government-mandated.
I hope the California Senate kills this idiotic bill.
Hard to believe it's been 13 years since Simpson savagely murdered Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.
A chronology of the whole sordid mess can be found here .
Unfortunately you won't find the question I wanted the police to ask Simpson, namely how, when you were told on the phone that your ex-wife had been murdered, you knew which ex-wife without being given her name?
The globe may be warming, but this weekend marked the first time this year our pool hit the 80 degree mark. That's rather late in the season for Florida.
Even Spock raised an eyebrow over this story, but apparently the green blood was the result of sulfhemoglobin, a condition thought to be triggered by some medications.
After yesterday's media circus, I won't belabor Paris Hilton's Re-Reassignment except to say that I'm glad that finally something wiped that vacuous expression off her face.
One more thing, did you get a load of the enormous sunglasses on mother Hilton... she looked positively insectile in those things.
The latest innovation in inebriation, called Booz2Go, is available in 20-gram packets that cost 1-1.5 euros ($1.35-$2)and because it is in powdered form, can be sold legally to minors.
Just what the current crop of underaged pop tarts need, eh?
A young clerk with no knowledge of the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown allowed the tribute, a tiny ad in the lower right corner of page 14 of the Chengdu Evening News on Monday night, that read: "Paying tribute to the strong(-willed) mothers of June 4 victims".
The clerical error caused an investigation to be launched by the ChiCom authorities to find out how the advertisement slipped its way past censors.
Can you imagine living in a society where the press is not only not free, but an arm of the govenment?