Saturday, October 04, 2008

Family Values

Boy, 7, Goes On Killing Spree In Zoo, Feeding Reptiles To Crocodile

This is a very disturbing story, especially when you read that the boy's brother was part of a group that attacked the same crocodile about five years ago.

What is going on in that family?


EDGE said...

Well, at least he's not smoking cigarettes.

nanc said...

my immediate thought was, "imagine if had he gone into a hospital nursery." sick i know, but that's where he was headed. probably grow up to be a ted bundy or john wayne gacy sort.

birdwoman said...

holy shamoly! Is his name Damien? No? Well, we'll be seeing him in the future, I'm sure, and his middle name will be in the broadcast. Mass murderers always have 3 names broadcast.

His momma must be mighty proud.


cube said...

edge: Or, egads, engaging in underage drinking. ;-)

nanc: I've heard profilers cite traits that many serial killers share and one of them is cruelty to animals.

bw: The momma may be a piece of work herself.

Chuck said...

Saw this on the news, it's scary.

Z said...

I'm thinking the crocodile must really like this guy, huh?

how disturbing. I wouldn't shut my eyes around this kid!

Jay Noel said...

This is a precursor for psycopathic behavior. Those boys are natural born killers. I believe they are beyond help. Maybe if they were 7 or 8 years old, intervention could have some sort of affect on them.

cube said...

Z: You and me both. I wouldn't sleep around this kid myself. Mayhaps there is some psychotherapy that will dissuade this child from the dark side... I'm no specialist.

My hope is that humans & animals in this child's orbit are surveilled.

cube said...

phoenix: Welcome back stranger!!!!
Haven't seen you in a month of Sundays or days when Biden won a VP debate ;-)

Seriously, I do know what you mean about serial killer proclivities. I hate to say it, but, without intensive psychiatric intervention, (or perhaps in spite of it), these boys are future scary.

Papa Frank said...

I guess we can't allow common sense to guide what we should do to a kid like this. No, that would be far too intelligent. Why does age matter when someone is this destructive and obviously guilty and without remorse?

cube said...

papa frank: We have allowed the liberals to entrench themselves into the fabric of every sphere of our society.

We have allowed this travesty to occur and, to quote the un-illustrious Rev. Wright, the chickens have come home to roost.

My point is, how do we turn this around to our favor... any suggestions.

WomanHonorThyself said...

I read this in the paper today and couldnt believe it Cube!

cube said...

woman: It is truly unbelievable. What in the world are we to do with a child like this?

nanc said...

cube - he is a sociopath. they're difficult to turn around. i have a stepson (now 19 and free from us and we from him) who has always exhibited these traits from a very early age. he also became a very good liar later in life. time will tell with this child. he's a little older than the time we caught my stepson trying to drown our son in an ice chest of water.

there are many extenuating circumstances to our situation as we tried with all our might to turn him around at an early age only to have his mother deny he had a problem. now he's just a near-worthless, potsmoking member of society. hopefully he'll wake up before the reckoning day.

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

Next he'll put an Obama/Biden sticker on the croc.

cube said...

nanc: I'm sorry to hear that, but at least you know where he stands and can beware. There are sociopaths walking among us & most of us don't even know it.

cube said...

pasadena c.c.: lol. That poor croc doesn't deserve that. All he did was eat what was tossed to him.

Miladysa said...

The latest news appears to be that he will not face prosecution because of his age and will get off with it.

cube said...

miladysa: The kid is seven. I can't imagine putting him in a prison, but he does need therapy & surveillance, especially around children & animals.

Anonymous said...

What is going on in that family?

Um. They're democrats?

cube said...

mustang: Ha! You may have nailed the problem ;-)

Leslie Johnson said...

I love stories like this. They make the world more interesting. If everyone went around following all the rules this place would bore me to death. Thank you reptile chucking kid. You made me glad that I woke up this morning.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, some of those crocs talk a lot of trash and start trouble just because they are bored.

Brooke said...

Expressionless face? Killing animals?

How long till that little bastard graduates to humans?

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