Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reprehensible Chums

Exclusive: Forget Bill Ayers - Here Are Over A Dozen More Virulently Anti-American Obama Friends

Good Gravy! Does Obama have any decent people as friends or associates?


cube said...

An association with any one of these despicable bad character references would be enough to derail a republican candidate.

Yet Obama has them coming out of his jug ears and the lefties of the MSM are telling us to move along, that there's nothing to see here.

This is an unforgivable betrayal, one that I will not soon forget.

Rita Loca said...

It makes you wonder if there is anything that would make people stop and think twice!

cube said...

I'd be happy if the people thinking about voting for Obama would just stop and think once ;-)

Chuck said...

With a psychotic wife like that, I almost feel afraid for Bill Ayers. The fun part is these people are teaching children.

Eyes said...

Exactly as I was thinking! Is there anyone in his circle of friends that we could respect???

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

It all comes down to judgment, and Barry O's is terribly flawed on so many levels it should make even the Libs cringe. But sadly they don't bat an eye.

Brooke said...

No biggie, right? I mean, I just don't know how many friends I've hung out with that have turned out to be America hating terrorists... Riiiiight.

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