Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Sometimes the folks at xkcd.com outdo themselves...

#482 is one of those times.

Now, if I could only conquer my fear of widths.

[The BLOG note: Click on image to enlarge or click on #482 to really enlarge.]


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

That's cool! Jet Propulsion Laboratory is in Pasadena, so if you're ever in the L.A. area, make it a point to go to their visitor center. You'll be blown away. You can also visit them at www.jpl.nasa.gov.

Chuck said...

This is funny. I love space and this is a great visual. I'm saving it for when my sons get home. Thanks for sharing it.

Brooke said...

That is really cool!

Neat website, too. :)

Leslie Johnson said...

I saw that a while ago, and I couldnt remember where I saw it. Thanks Cube!

Unknown said...

That is interesting.

Jan said...

Brilliant graphic and I love the drama on the upper left.

Jamie Dawn said...

I clicked the enlarged version, and that is neato.
Very cool!!

birdwoman said...

I love the interspersed comments, like neener neener. Heh. Gotta love geeks.


Mantha said...

ok, you continue to impress me with you cool geekiness. isn't that an oxymoron? but it's true, you are a cool geek. :-)

have a great day!

Steve Harkonnen said...

Makes for great wallpaper! Thanks!

cube said...

pasadena c.c.: Oh I'm a fan. If I ever get up that way, I will definitely work in the JPL.

chuck: Big space nut here too. Glad you liked it.

brooke: I check xkcd.com often. They seem to share my warped sense of humor.

leslie johnson & jill: Glad you liked it.

jan: lol. I noticed that too. Meoooowwrrrrrrr!

j.d.: I agree. Cool beans!

cube said...

b.w.: Yeah, those were nice. The Trek references made me happy too.
xkcd gets geekspeak.

salubrina: Why thank you. I can already feel my geeky polyhedron head swell ;-)

steve h.: Wallpaper? Good idea.

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