Our troops drop a "smart bomb" on Kerry.
But you'd have a hard time finding it because the liberal press is in full Dems protection mode. This wonderful photo didn't make the pages of the N.Y. Times, or the Boston Globe, the Washington Times, or any major newspaper, except for the New York Post that printed it on the cover.
Despite all the help from his liberal pals in the MSM, the botched joke explanation & non-apology won't absolve Kerry. His history of ridiculous charges against our military,
now some from 1972, stands alone and reveals his true self, namely that of an unpatriotic fool.
And Kerry is not alone. The liberals have an anti-military bias that predisposes them to be soft on terror and soft on defense.
Remember this when you vote on Tuesday.
[The BLOG note: photo credit to the Drudge Report]