Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Aussie Tourism

but a new campaign to lure international tourists to Australia.
After reading about the 61-year-old Australian grandmother who was recently honoured with a bravery award for wrestling a giant saltwater crocodile as it dragged her friend from a tent here , I can see why they want more tourists...
The crocs are hungry.
Double Ow 7

Daniel Craig, the jinxed James Bond, of the recently-bonded front teeth, has now suffered a bad sunburn and has a bad case of sunburn rash. Awww, he's all itchy and scratchy.
According to the article, Craig has revealed he can only drive an automatic car — so the traditional Aston Martin DB5 had to be converted. Also, he doesn’t like guns, and speedboats make him feel queasy.
The casting of this new Bond has become a comedy of errors. The casting director should be taken out and flogged until he or she drops ;-)
Monday, February 27, 2006
Bonehead Beckham

"Their homework is so hard these days," Beckham, 30, said in a recent interview. "It's totally done differently to what I was teached when I was at school, and you know I was like 'Oh my God, I can't do this'."
Hmmm. Teached? Sounds like English isn't his forte either.
Darren McGavin 1922-2006

Looking at his obituary, I was astonished to see how varied his career had been with roles in film and TV and ranging from comedy to drama. Of course, he was wonderful as the grouchy father in "A Christmas Carol"...remember "Not a finger!"... I had forgotten his Emmy-winning role as Murphy Brown's dad.
As a sci fi fan, I thought his most memorable role was the Night Stalker, as the porkpie hat wearing, monster chasing reporter, Carl Kolchak. Night Stalker fans delighted in his X-Files appearance as Arthur Dales, an agent retired from the X-Files, but who we all saw as Kolchak.
All in all, it was a very sad weekend for TV fans everywhere
Don Knotts 1924- 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Greetings, Bi-Pedal Life Forms!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Dirty Ice

Jasmine Roberts never expected her award-winning middle school science project to get so much attention. But the project produced some disturbing results: 70 percent of the time, ice from fast food restaurants was dirtier than toilet water.
According to ABC News: "the 12-year-old collected ice samples from five restaurants in South Florida — from both self-serve machines inside the restaurant and from drive-thru windows. She then collected toilet water samples from the same restaurants and tested all of them for bacteria at the University of South Florida" (ahem, my alma mater). The rest is history.
Read about this enterprising girl's science project here
Dog Book Does Good

Wow. I haven't read it, but I thought it was just a book about a bad dog, but the Reuters article says, "It's about the human condition, it's about relationships, it's about family."
You know, you laugh, you cry.
Now why didn't I think of doing this first. I could write a book about my loony life with my dog Dax and her shinanegans alone, not to mention the 3 crazy cats.
Ghastly Business

From TheIndyChannel.com comes
this ghastly article about the owner of a biomedical supply house and three others who were charged with carving up corpses and selling the body parts for use in transplants.
Prosecutors say that the indictment was the first set of charges to come out of a widening scandal involving scores of funeral homes and hundreds of bodies, including that of "Masterpiece Theatre" host Alistair Cooke, who died in 2004.
Oh, Margaret! You can't read this one without questioning the humanity of these degenerates who stop at nothing for a buck. It makes me wish I had the ability to plop these guys into one of those re-animated dead movies and have the desecrated corpses get their revenge...slowly...because sometimes prison just isn't punishment enough.
Yes, I watch too many horror movies...
Cat Blog Friday

cat bathing.
For everything you ever wanted to know about bathing your cat, and some funny wet cat photos and anecdotes, check out the cat bathing website.
Why? Because wet cats are funny.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
New James Bond-O
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Not Sar!
Poop Galore

Sewage rose to 20 inches in the courtyards and streets of Elsa after gushing from the tank, which held some 240,000 litres of the green-brown muck.
Oh Margaret, imagine the clean up job.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Crunchy Cons

In his book, "Crunchy Cons" (crunchy for granola and cons for conservatives), Rod Dreher says, "he has little use for the morally relativist and libertine tendencies of modern liberalism" and "the Democrats act like the Party of Lust."
He dislikes industrial agriculture, shopping malls, television, McMansions and mass consumerism. Efficiency--the guiding principle of free markets--is an "idol," he says, that must be "smashed." Too often, he claims, Republicans act like "the Party of Greed."
Mr. Dreher raises some interesting points. I don't agree with all of them, some are quite severe, but he does show that both sides of the political spectrum can stand some improvement.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Go to the New York Post.online if you want to read this puff piece.
Andreas Katsulas 1946- 2006

His career was a long and varied one, including numerous appearances on Star Trek: The Next Generation as Commander Tomalak, and more recently, on Enterprise as the Vissian Captain.
As a long-time sci-fi fan, I am saddened by his passing.
Stop Arab Port Deal

The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee urged the White House on Wednesday to reconsider approval of a sale that would give a company in the United Arab Emirates control over significant operations at six American ports, including New York, New Jersey, and Baltimore.
The U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment, a secretive Treasury Department-dominated group which reviews foreign investments, has approved a $6.8 billion transaction between the ports' current British owners and Dubai Ports World, a government-owned United Arab Emirates firm.
This transaction doesn't pass the smell test for me. I'm not comfortable with outsourcing the control of major U.S. ports to a Middle-Eastern company.
The White House has the ability to stop this deal. I wish it would.
Spoiled Brat Media

Thomas Sowell, one of my favorite writers, has produced a superb analysis of the firestorm that the White House press corps has manufactured around the Vice President's hunting accident.
The column appropriately titled Spoiled Brat Media is short, but straight to the point: "the media love to wrap themselves in the mantle of "the public's right to know" but there is no such dedication to that right when it goes against the journalists' own prejudices.
Sowell goes on to add, "the 'public's right to know' apparently extends only to such things as will not cause the public to reach conclusions different from those of the liberal media."
How true.
The press is throwing a petulant frenzy because they are slowly concluding that the world doesn't revolve around them or their liberal agenda. They are the ones in a snit about this, not the average American.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Rufus' selling point? His head — perfectly shaped like an egg. He beat out 2,622 entries in 165 breeds. When it got down to Best in Show, Rufus was picked over a golden retriever, a Rottweiler, a prize pug, a spirited Dalmatian, an old English sheepdog, and a Scottish deerhound.
Rufus, whose nickname is Puppyhead, is one good looking dog.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Batman v. UBL

From ContactMusic.com comes news that BATMAN will turn his attention to real-life bad guy Usama bin Laden in an upcoming comic book entitled, Holy Terror, Batman!
I hope Batman not only kicks UBL's butt, but also force feeds him a pork sandwich.
While you're at it, feed one to the hunger-striking Saddam, too.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Yellow Snow Alert!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Akira Ifukube 1915-2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Cat Blog Update
Biblical Ass
Thursday, February 09, 2006
They're Back
Pinwheel Sky
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Bottled Anger

"I recently found your bottle while taking a scenic walk on the beach by Poole Harbour," read the letter, which was signed by one Henry Bigglesworth of Bournemouth on the south coast of Britain.
"While you may consider this some profound experiment on the path and speed of oceanic currents, I have another name for it: litter," the letter said.
The irate Bigglesworth then went on to expound on his less than flattering view of the residents of the United States in general and said, "You Americans don't seem to be happy unless you are mucking about somewhere."
I wonder if Mr. Bigglesworth would be less irate if he removed the large stick that is blocking his anal spincter.
I think I'll send him a message...
Magic Eye Balls
Clash Of The Cultures

From the Opinion Journal comes an interesting article entitled Bonfire of the Pieties by Amir Taheri, a Moslem, who states that Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion.
And from Townhall.com comes an equally entertaining article,
Controversy is about culture clash, not cartoons by Jonah Goldberg.
Goldberg goes on to state: "Overreactions are usually about something bigger. The whole point of the "last straw" metaphor is that small things can set off disproportionate reactions. One Muslim protestor in Britain held up a sign saying "Freedom Go To Hell!" Do we really think that a handful of cartoons in Denmark transformed him from a Jeffersonian democrat into a jihadi? Was the holder of the sign "Behead Those Who Insult Islam" a pacifist until recently?"
I agree with both of these articles. To keep saying that these riots are simply the result of cartoons published months ago, is shortsighted. This is a politically
motivated attempt by the islamofascists to manipulate western culture.
I can only hope western culture stands firm in the coming days.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Cartoon Contest
Out of Reuter's comes news that Iran's best-selling newspaper has launched a competition to find the best cartoon about the Holocaust in retaliation for the publication in many European countries of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad.
The Brussels-based Conference of European Rabbis (CER) denounced the idea and urged the Muslim world to do likewise, but the cartoon entries are pouring in nonetheless...

I think Iran should be careful what it wishes for...
The Brussels-based Conference of European Rabbis (CER) denounced the idea and urged the Muslim world to do likewise, but the cartoon entries are pouring in nonetheless...

I think Iran should be careful what it wishes for...
Mama Dumbest

First, Britney Spears was photographed driving with her 16-week old baby IN HER LAP.
Then, once the photos were circulated all over the Internet, she defends the act by blaming the paparazzi for chasing her.
Just because some people are able to procreate, doesn't mean they should.
[The BLOG note: photo courtesy of justjared.com ]
Monday, February 06, 2006
Super Commercials
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Al Lewis 1923-2006

You can read the details of his madcap life here , but he'll always be Grandpa to me.
Space-Time Continuum Rip

Scientists say the dent is the sort of thing predicted by Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. It affects the movement of matter falling into the black hole.
This is what happens when you use someone's Easy Button to find someone else's Easy Button.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Deep Doo Doo

Butte County Superior Court Judge Stephen Benson sentenced Robert William Huff to 20 hours of community service and 24 hours in jail after he pleaded no contest Tuesday to a charge of assaulting Bailey, a police horse.
District attorney Mike Ramsey said he hopes Huff's probation will be spent "shoveling horse manure at the Chico police mounted unit's training grounds."
When asked why he punched the horse, Huff replied, "Me Mongo".
Hill On The Hill
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Dignitary Dog

It was Rex, a 5-year-old bomb-sniffing German shepherd and hardened combat veteran from Peterson Air Force Base at Colorado Springs, who got a seat of honor at the President's speech with his handler, Air Force Technical Sgt. Jamie Dana, both guests of First Lady Laura Bush.
From the Denver Post: "Rex was with Dana in Iraq last June when the vehicle they were riding in was hit by a roadside bomb and she was wounded. Congress had to step in last year to let Rex retire with Dana."
Awww...a woman and her dog. Both heroes. Good story.
The really amazing thing was that Rex was better behaved during the speech than many of the Democrats in the audience. Go figure.
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