Purely by accident, I found an extensive assortment of obscure Pez dispensers at MonsterCellar.com including one of the Great Garloo, pictured above.
I was too young to remember the Great Garloo in person, but I do remember some of the other toys designed by Marvin Glass, including Ants in the Pants, Dynamite Shack, Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, Hands Down, Haunted House, Lite Brite, Odd Ogg, Operation, Mouse Trap, Time Bomb, Tip-It, and Toss Across, among others.
The Great Garloo remote controlled robot toy video, a real hoot just for the 1961 pop culture blast from the past, is available HERE via BoingBoing.
The marketing firms were working on kids even way back then. Some things never change.