In the news again is Barbara Boxer (D-Ca), shown here aspiring to be the Senate's entry in ex-Rep. James Trafficant's Hairdo Hair-don'ts Contest...
From The New York Post comes
Boxer's Low Blow which describes Boxer's obtuse attack on Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice during Rice's defense of the recent tactical change in the Iraq war.
Here is a strident feminist attacking a successful professional woman for not having had children to send to the war!!!
The irony of this is too much for my stomach to take. First, Rice's reproductive history is none of Boxer's business and not open for use as policital fodder, and secondly, here is a stridently feminist professional woman attacking a (decidedly smarter) professional woman for being childless.
Does Senator Boxer not hear how idiotic her words sound when she speaks?
Can you imagine the kerfuffle had a Republican said something this inane?
I don't think Democrats deserve a pass to be stoopid.