Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Future Folly
DNC Chair Tom Perez Spotted Carrying $1840 Designer Bag After Calling Socialism "Future" Of The Party
A DNC spokesman said it was a staffer's bag... a Louis Vuitton Keepall Bandoulière 55 Damier Cobalt Canvas bag that retails for $1840.
Yeah, right.
Sounds like Bernie Sanders preaching about us tightening our belts while he owns four big homes. Socialism for thee, but not for me.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Chief Serial Pooper
New Jersey School Chief Resigns After Being Outed As High School Pooper
FTA: "Dr. Thomas Tramaglini, 42, was busted last May after a police surveillance operation identified him as the source of feces left in the vicinity of Holmdel High School’s football field and track."
And get this, his resignation will take effect September 30th...
We have far too many overpaid school superintendents. Clearly this nutcase isn't the only one that can be cut from the payroll.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
What Would The Sharks Say?
From GoComics :
"This Shark Week, while you're watching those sleek, grey "killing machines" slice through the water, keep in mind that there have only been 1,400 recorded shark attacks in the U.S. over the past 171 years. Your chances of being bitten by a shark are less than dying from a lightning strike.
Conversely, humans kill an average of 100 million sharks each year, much of it to feed the world's appetite for shark fin soup. So, who are the real killing machines?"
[The BLOG note: comic "Brevity" by Dan Thompson]
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Tenure Needs Overhauling
Professor Randa "Bovinia" Jarrar, the self-proclaimed "queer, Muslim, Palestinian-American and proud fat femme [who] lives the complexities of intersectionality,” is ranting again.
Prof Demands White Editors 'Resign' From 'Positions Of Power'
First things first, I saw some people referring to her as another "wise Latina." Oh please, Nathan, this woman isn't either. We have enough googly-eyed Hispanic socialists frothing off at the mouth without inventing more.
Second things second, what is causing the professor's newest rant against white people? Perhaps an apple dumpling went undigested on the route between one of her four stomachs.
I do know that this unhinged person has no business teaching anyone anything.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Cat Blog Friday
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Florida Storms
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
From The Patriot Post, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the fresh new face of the Democratic Socialists of America, and like-minded comrades.
No surprise here, Ocasio-Cortez, a.k.a, Occasional-Cortex, has been known to back mentally-challenged positions.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
A Sermon You Don't Want To Miss
Telling the truth isn't always easy, but Dr. James David Manning isn't afraid to tell it. His sermon is worth a listen no matter the color of your skin.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Chicago Named The ‘Rat Capital’ Of The U.S., Study Says
Oh, I'm sure Chicago scores very high in the two-legged rat category too.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Cat Blog Friday
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Still Winning
Another positive article about the Helsinki Summit...
Caroline Glick: Trump Was The Big Winner At Helsinki Summit
Keep calm and think MAGA.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
First Of Many
Chances are slim to none you will read about this in the MSM...
First Win For Trump-Putin Summit: Agreement To Restrain Iran In Syria
Thanks to Brietbart.com, you just did.
Keep calm, enjoy another win and think MAGA.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Deep Dilemma?
Looking past the overheated kneejerk rhetoric...
What Critics Missed About The Trump-Putin Summit
I'm not writing off Trump because the collective British and U.S. media says so.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Have you heard of the #walkaway movment?
Walk Away? Been There, Done That ...
Pictured above are two more reasons why it's such a great idea.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Third World Bathroom Habits
Or should I say "turd world bathroom habits" are infecting Americans at faster and faster intervals. Whether via direct evacuation in the fields or the lack of proper hygiene in the bathroom, or both, I can't keep up with the continual outbreaks.
Jeannie DeAngelis has long been writing on the feculence of illegals...
McDonald's, Tossed Salad, And Toilet Paper
FTA: "... not only are illegals infiltrating our culture, defying our laws, and costing us oodles of money, but they are also infecting America's food with foreign-born, albeit culturally diverse excrement."
Who supports illegal immigration? Think about that when it comes time to vote in November 2018.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Cat Blog Friday
For this Friday 13th Cat Blog Friday...
... only a cool, black cat will do.
No, not Sammy Davis, Jr., a real black cat, the kind that are late to get adopted from shelters because of silly superstitions from the Middle Ages that survive to this day. Remember, black cat lives matter, too.
Happy Friday, everybody!
Thursday, July 12, 2018
A Smarty Murder
This fascinating nugget fell my way this morning and taught me a few things about our corvid overlords ...
6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think
FTA: Mind your manners around crows. Because if you mistreat them, they won't forget you and neither will their friends—or the next generation.
Wednesday, July 04, 2018
Monday, July 02, 2018
Out Of Control Iguanas
South Florida's booming iguana population is causing officials to look at ways to manage the non-native species.
Chicken Of The trees: Eating Florida's Iguanas
It's one solution for fighting this invasive species, but at $59.99 per pound for boneless meat and whole, skin-on iguana for $49.99, you're better off coming to South Florida and trapping your own for free.
Bon appetit.
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