Wednesday, July 18, 2018

First Of Many

Chances are slim to none you will read about this in the MSM...

First Win For Trump-Putin Summit: Agreement To Restrain Iran In Syria

Thanks to, you just did.

Keep calm, enjoy another win and think MAGA.


LL said...

Iran is heavily in play at the moment and are feeling a distinct lack of love. The government wants to retain power and there is a general dissatisfaction with the situation among the populace.

cube said...

And they don't have their god emperor 0bama to funnel US taxpayer money into their coffers anymore. Now would be a great time for the Persian people to rise up against the evil ayatollahs. Yeah, I can dream can't I?

LL said...

I don't think that the people will rise as they did against the Shah. But the current government is looking for a way out that will save face (and possibly their jobs). The price for less pressure on them is a verifiable abandonment of nuclear ambitions and they have to stop funding Hezbollah. They need to back off in Syria as well but there is a gas pipeline that they want to push through the area to Turkey and from there to Europe. THAT is why they're as active as they are. The Saudis want their own pipeline that goes to Europe and the US is backing their play.

In exchange for abandoning a lucrative pipeline, there has to be some sort incentive. Trump-the-negotiator would have to earn his spurs on that one,

Can we trust the Persians? We can blow up their pipeline... It has to be an omnibus deal, sort of like we proposed to the Norks. I have an idea of how that might be able to work, but it would take some doing.

messymimi said...

It always amazes me when people ignore the obvious.

Sandee said...

Wise words in these comments. I've nothing much to add except, keep winning President Trump.

Have a fabulous day and keep up the good work. ♥

Jan said...

The ongoing hysteria regarding our President has become boring, I wish they would all leave the country.

Z said...

Interesting! Someone on FOX this morning, I think it was Ari Fleischer?, said John Bolton as Nat'l Security Advisor, should hold a presser today or tomorrow and outline roughly what WAS said or agreed to at the Putin/Trump talk.......It would sure help quiet the nuts seeking to subpoena a translator! OMG!!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Yep, these comments are great!