A) Engraving of a twin-tailed siren (15th century); B) First Starbucks logo (1971 - 1987); C) Il Giornale logo; D) Merging of Starbucks and Il Giornale (1987 - 1992); E) Redesigned Starbucks logo (1992 - today); F) Current Starbucks logo, a revival of the original
The Changing Face of Starbucks - The History of the Logos Through the Years
...or how the Starbucks mermaid logo got her nipples back.
And finally, some humor at Starbucks' expense...
8 Types Of Annoying People You'll Find Inside Starbucks
My favorite is #1... Manager Who Refuses to Recognize the Words Small, Medium, and Large. This one cracks me up because I always order this way just to watch their reaction.