From the American Thinker comes another fascinating article in which Jack Cashill performs literary forensic analyses on NoBama's book and concludes that the evidence makes Bill Ayers a much more likely candidate than Obama to have written the best parts of 'Dreams Of My Father'.
Who Wrote 'Dreams Of My Father'? Mr. Cashill ends with this:
"The Obama camp could put all such speculation to rest by producing some intermediary sign of impending greatness -- a school paper, an article, a notebook, his Columbia thesis, his LSAT scores -- but Obama guards these more zealously than Saddam did his nuclear secrets. And I suspect, at the end of the day, we will pay an equally high price for Obama's concealment as Saddam's."
Is anything about Obama for real? How anyone could confuse him for a Messiah, just doesn't know the meaning of the word.
Let's hope the American public doesn't vote for this poseur because it will be our country paying the highest price of all.