Former vice president Al Gore said yesterday he has no intention of running for president again [whew!] but he said the United States would be "a different country" if he had won the 2000 election, launching into a scathing attack of the Bush administration.
Here are a few of Gore's statements while at an economic forum in Stockholm, Sweden:
"We would not have invaded a country that didn't attack us," he said, referring to Iraq & Afghanistan. [We'd still be wringing our hands about 9/11, like we did about the USS Cole and the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center]
"We would not have taken money from the working families and given it to the most wealthy families." [This chestnut never dies. Just look up the stats on who pays the most tax]
"We would not be trying to control and intimidate the news media." [Hello? When did the insistence that documents and articles be genuine and not fabrications become intimidation and control?]
"We would not be routinely torturing people." [My personal favorite. How can this nonsense be considered even remotely rational?]
I've always been bothered by Al Gore's frequent misrepresentations of reality, but I particularly dislike his flights of fancy when they occur on foreign soil.
I used to think he was just another America-bashing neo-sov, but now I know he's a raving lunatic neo-sov.
Thank goodness we are the country that we are today. No thanks to you, Al.
[The BLOG note: photo credit to
Junkyard Blog . Huge hat tip to jeff/slash for being the first to coin the term, neo-sov {the direct opposite of neo-con}. Maybe he'll expound on its genesis on his blog
Queequeg's View