Thursday, August 31, 2017

Elke's Puppuchino

We"re nearing the end of Ekle's days and many of her friends want to acknowledge her life in their own way.

R, a friend of our daughter has never had a dog but has grown very close to our German Shepherd, Elke. She is a barista at Starbucks and she made this special puppuchino for her.

She's a talented artist, don't you think?

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

Harvey The Hawk

By now you have all seen heart wrenching images of the devastation in the wake of Hurricane Harry on the South Texas coast. There have been many uplifting stories of rescues that are continuing as I write and, thank goodness, the rescues will continue to help those in need.

Here's a different rescue...

Take Cover! The Moment A Hawk Flew Into A Taxi And Refused To Get Out As Hurricane Harvey Barreled Towards Texas

I don't think the larger birds are as waterproof as the little ones, and this poor Cooper hawk was soaked and just found a dry place to stay until the Texas Wildlife Center picked it up.

The kind man who took care of Harry during the storm referred to him Sergeant Harry Hawk as he was taken away.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Alien Chickens

LV 426? no, not yet, but yes, I watched Alien:Covenant this weekend. Does it still show?

Monday, August 21, 2017

Fascism v Anti-Fascism

We all know who the real fascists are.

Eclipse Watching a la Cheap

You may be sick of hearing about the eclipse, but here's my low cost solution to watching today's total eclipse without fancy schmancy glasses that may not even protect your eyes...

Total Solar Eclipse 2017: How To Make A Pinhole Projector From A Cereal Box

This is how we used to watch total solar eclipses back in the Mesozoic era ;)

Don't worry, the hysteria will be over soon.

P.S. Baily's beads are the most fascinating part of this whole thing. They get so little attention.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Terry's Wind

Another excellent piece by Clarice Feldmen of the American Thinker:

Terry And The (Antifa) Bandits Will Inherit The Wind

Thugs are thugs no matter what radical side of the political spectrum their allegiance lies in reality or to whomever pays for it.

*chocking sounds*

Soros... just saying.

Thursday, August 17, 2017


This is the only article I could find that opposes violence from both the left and the right.

David Horowitz: Charlottesville Is Biggest 'Fake News' Story of Summer

According to the MSM, the violence of those who back Black Lives Matter and Antifa isn't really violence, but merely a protest.

From the article by Mr. Horowitz: "The ideology that drives the left and divides our country is "identity politics" — the idea that the world consists of two groups — "people of color" who are guiltless and oppressed, and white people who are guilty and oppressors."

I'm sick of the press equating conservatives with white supremacists. We have nothing in common.

And then I found this:

Lou Dobbs Unleashed=> President Needs to Tell Media CEOs: “You Ignorant Sons a Bitch, You Need to Treat President With Respect”"


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Meow Back

Sometimes I meow at cats. I don't know if it works, but I appreciate you joining in...

Cat Meow Back

...just in case it does.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Chili Generis

The Bloody San Antonio Origins Of Chili Con Carne

OK, the line "ranging from a proto-psychedelic, hyper-Catholic, Spanish/Mexican Indian tale about a teleporting, recipe-sharing Blue Nun; to another crediting California-bound gold prospectors; to others touting the efforts of Texas prison convicts and cowboys."

That line made me laugh out loud.

Who knew chili could be that fun.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

Shoshin, you're fired!

This was Shoshin's last day as my assistant. It just wasn't working out.

Boy, was she pissed.

Happy Friday everybody... well try to be happier than Shoshin.

UPDATE: For all of you who have asked, Shoshin is completely unaffected by her recent firing. In fact, she's happy to be free of the obligation.

Monday, August 07, 2017

My Assistant

I woke up with the worse sore throat I can remember, so I'm letting my assistant, Shoshin, take over. Refer all your comments and questions to her today. I'll be out by the pool hoping vitamin D helps my throat.

Sunday, August 06, 2017


A slow Sunday morning with coffee, but it's been quite busy for me on the internet...

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Congressman Speaks Truth To Power Against Clinton Machine, Obama, Soros, Etc.

Will we ever get to the truth?

Slow Truth

Yes, it's a slow Sunday morning and I've been busy on the internet...

Colossus Of Corruption: Ben Rhodes Unmasked

The idea of a mind meld with obama makes me want to vomit...


Too late.

Our Liberty

A high school student's art project displayed in democrat Congressman Lou Correa's office in Santa Anna... so what?

Statute Of Liberty As A Muslim? Painting In Rep. Lou Correa’s Office Sparks Complaints

I will remember this the next time anyone's artwork depicts a Christian or Judaic symbol...

Will Congressman Correa (D) display that so freely?

Friday, August 04, 2017


At first I thought this from Blunt Force Truth was really a piece from The Onion, but it's real...

Half Of Detroit’s Current Mayoral Candidates Are Felons

*head slap*

Reminds me of the days of Marion Barry, 4-term Mayor of D.C. I wonder whose judgement is more questionable, the candidates or the voters.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Fandango Out

I was surprised Trump hired him in the first place...

Carr: Tough Guy? Anthony Scaramucci Was Just A Bad Actor

From Wikipedia:

"Scaramouche (from Italian Scaramuccia, literally "little skirmisher"), also known as Scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the commedia dell'arte (comic theatrical arts of Italian literature). The role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice."

Loved the quote from Boston mafia boss Jerry Angiulo, "You think I need tough guys?” he bellowed. “I need intelligent tough guys!”

If you're in the public eye you need to not let your thoughts drop down onto your tongue and spew them out.

I'm glad he's outta dere.

Word to the wise DJT.