In the May/June issue of American Handgunner there is a column called The Insider by Roy Huntington and it reads as follows:
"As a simple, yet self-explanatory reminder to those mindless, hash-for-brains, hand-wringing, finger-pointing, in denial, "Why can't we all just get along" whiners -- and most especially to all those unforgivable, selfish mouth-breathing sheeple who insist on calling our troops "baby killers" and worse -- I give you this photo. Lest we forget what this fight is all about, I present the criminal, the thug, the mass-murderer, plunderer -- the terrorist -- Saddam Hussein. Note the broad smile, the cigar and the airplanes crashing into the World Trade Towers next to him. Note the American soldier standing, holding up the picture. He's not smiling. I appreciate the reader who took the time send this so we could all be reminded.
We at FMG (publishers) support our troops and hope you do too. Regardless of your personal feelings about this war on terrorism and our fight to give a country back its freedom, please think hard before you launch your next tirade against our young men and women who are overseas right now. Please.
They, at least, deserve our across-the-board support".
Well said, Mr. Huntington. I hope you don't mind my passing it along.
[The BLOG note: Credit goes to Jeff/Slash for bring it to my attention]