Saturday, August 24, 2013

Rocker Shocker

Linda Ronstadt: Parkinsons Disease Has Left Me Unable To Sing

I'd rather remember Linda Ronstadt like this when she was singing with her beautiful voice.

Her politics were dreadful, but you don't have to like the artist to appreciate the art.


Jan said...

I'll always remember her as the first singer who showed me that country music didn't suck.

cube said...

At the time, I also liked Karla Bonoff. Their music wasn't the twangy country music I'm not partial to to this day, but it had a crossover character that appealed to me.

sue hanes said...

Cube - I hadn't heard this. It is sad. She was a good singer.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I still can't get the picture of her and my Governor Moonbeam out of my mind.

cube said...

Sue Hanes: I just heard Saturday. I didn't know either. Sad, too, is having Parkinson's.

cube said...

Woodsterman (Odie): Ditto.

WomanHonorThyself said...

sad but their politics and beliefs are always twisted..what a shame! sweet Monday to u too my friend! :)

Always On Watch said...

Rondstadt had one of the best voices in the popular music industry. A shame that she can no longer sing!

cube said...

WomanHonorThyself: I agree that it is a shame that her politics were so twisted.

cube said...

Always On Watch: I thought Karla Bonoff gave Ronstadt a run for her money. I would be hard pressed to pick one one for a gold medal and the other a silver one.

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