Thursday, December 11, 2014

Leaky Leaks

This is funny...

Scott Rudin On Obama: I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart

Obola has nothing to worry about. This won't stop the Hollywood liberals from writing big checks to his regime...


jan said...

I'm forever grateful not to be important enough to have my emails hacked.

Sandee said...

What Jan said. I feel the same.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

cube said...

Jan & Sandee: I'm sort-of, semi-glad that I'm not powerful enough that anyone would even consider hacking into my email account, but even an insignificant peon, such as myself, is smart enough not to divulge personal stuff on social media.

Why are these people earning high salaries?

cube said...

Jan: Wait a minute... isn't your blog banned by the ChiComs? How in the world did they arrive at that conclusion if they hadn't monitored your site?

Uh huh.. me, too.