Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Roosting Chickens

Chickens Come Home to Roost… Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Is Sent to Prison

If spewing hatred were a crime, your goddamned daddy would go to prison with you.


Sandee said...

I hope she's happy in prison. Thief. The whole lot of them need to be in prison. Start with Sharpton.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

jan said...

Isn't there something about an acorn or a nut not falling far from the tree? What odious people.

commoncents said...

Project Veritas Update: Eric Garner & Trayvon Martin Family, Michael Brown Lawyer Say Al Sharpton Exploited Their Tragedies


ps. Link Exchange with CC?

WomanHonorThyself said...

wow ..too funny! wheres Hussein O..his favorite hater parishioner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sue hanes said...

Cube - Sounds as if she deserved to go to jail. And take her old man with her.

cube said...

Sandee: Amen to that.

cube said...

Jan: Yes. My parents had a corollary to the acorn saying... "From this stick, this splinter."

cube said...

Commoncents: We all know what a snake in the grass Sharpton is. Reverend my butt, a race-baiting, shakedown artist is more like it.

Re: link exchange with CC, how do I do that?

cube said...

Woman Honor Thyself: Lol. There's plenty of wright's hate-fueled rhetoric clunking around in Obola's big, jug-eared head.

cube said...

Sue Hanes: I wouldn't miss them at all.