Common core math is as bad for math as learning to read without phonics and both of these methods have long been pet peeves of mine...
Common Core Math Standards Writer Tells Parents To Back Off From Helping Children With Homework
As a person who has many semesters of algebra, trigonometry, and calculus under my belt, I can only conclude that the Common Core curriculum is ridiculous unless you're trying to generate generations of even more stupid people.
Jeb! is a major supporter of Common Core. So is Gov. Kasich.
I know. That and his stand on immigration are two reasons why Jeb! is no where near my pick for the GOP primary. If he wins, (hey, near earth objects DO strike Earth) I would still prefer him to Hill or Bernie because at least their feet would be held to the fire by the liberal MSM.
Don't I remember that "new math" was a colossal failure years ago and it was dropped? Now this nonsense...
A friend of mine says her son comes home crying over this Common Core stuff, he says there's no way to know what the answer is any more.
Cube you need to get rid of your Asian spammer. Go to your home page, click on Design, then click on comments. Check each one of his/her comments then go to the top and click on Spam. I decided to mention that here because math confuses me:-)
Cube - There you go again. Posting things that I don't understand. Math was not one of my strong points.
Jan: I thought new math was stupid too. Why in the world do you want to make math harder? So many people already fear it, why make it worse unless it's part of your plan to make more people ignorant about math? That's the only thing I can think of to explain such idiocy.
The same thing happened when many schools abandoned phonics for whole word reading. what else could it be but the deliberate dumbing down of our kids?
Messymimi: The poor thing. Imagine the kind of scientists we'll have in the future with that kind of imprecision.
Our girls went to a private Catholic school that taught reading with phonics and math the old-fashioned way. We did have a problem with our oldest daughter when she was having trouble understanding her teacher's explanation of the Punnett Square, a diagram that helps geneticists predicts a particular genotype from a breeding couple. I looked at her textbook and the explanation was unnecessarily convoluted. We went to the white board and within minutes she'd grasped the concept. She also taught many of her friends who were having the same problem. I hate it when teachers make concepts harder than they have to be.
Granny Annie: I don't have a problem with math, just this nonsense called Common Core. I don't think our kids need any more dumbing down.
Sue Hanes: Common Core math makes something that should be easy into something unnecessarily hard. I hate it when education goes off track like this.
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