I'm late to post on this busy day, but Sundance's column from The Conservative Treehouse is the best connect-the-dots column I've read Re: the real Russian collusion culprits...
Curiousor And Curiousor: Natalia Veselnitskaya Pictured With Obama Officials On June 14th, 2016...
Bill Clinton, Natalia, and Democrats, Oh My!!!!
[The BLOG editor's note: Just a small thing, but I would've spelled it "Curiouser And Curiouser"... unless Sundance has a reason for the [sic].
just another democrat plant.
They are desperate to prove President Trump of any wrong doing. They are making themselves look pretty foolish too. Bless their hearts.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
What a convoluted soap opera our government is
DaBlade: I wonder who would "plant" such a scheme...
Sandee: It's become pathetic and I don't bless their hearts at all!
Jan: I agree and I expect Susan Lucci's name to be involved in this mess somehow, someway.
Maybe we should be looking at MCain's fingerprints on this?
It certainly is curious, if nothing else.
Thanks for the link. Yep, what the ???
This ain't hard to figure out - that be sure.
Messymini: It's way more than curiouser, but I don't think we'll ever know the truth.
Snaggle Tooth: Glad the link was informative. This tangled weave will eventually untangle, I hope.
Kid: I hear you, but it's one thing to think and yet another to prove. So there we are.
Gad, those dots are hard NOT to connect...you're right, it was an excellent piece.
We'll never know the truth if a Democrat every did anything wrong.
This ain't hard to figure out - that be sure.
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