Sunday, January 07, 2018

Brown Ales

Brown Ales May Be Unfashionable, But The Style Is Timeless

I gave up drinking beer years ago because of the carbs, but back then my tastes ran towards Heineken and Moosehead.

This article has made me rethink the brownies now. I'm game for an occasional taste test. Are you?


Jan said...

I've always enjoyed drinking beer with the guys while the girls had those little umbrella prissy drinks

cube said...

Jan: I'm one of the girls who would be sitting next to you with the guys :)

Sandee said...

Not a beer drinker. I can have one if I'm having pizza but that's my limit.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

messymimi said...

On the rare occasions that i sampled beer, i always liked the darker ones better.

Kid said...

I drank Heineken up until recently. I switched to Fosters. I won't drink anything else now.

cube said...

Kid: I know I've had a Fosters before but it's been so long I don't remember the taste. I used to have two blog friends from Australia and I once asked them if Foster's really was the Australian word for beer and they said "No", but they'd put another shrimp on the barbie for me;) Brings back old times.

cube said...

Messimimi: Why am I craving a beer all of a sudden???