Saturday, January 27, 2018

Idiots R Us?

Clothing Company Founder Finds Out it's Not A Great Idea To Call His Fox Viewing Customers 'Idiots'

Who in the world pays $125 for a cheesy vest?

FOX viewers please send me your excess money.


Sandee said...

There is way too much of that going on isn't there. They are shooting themselves in the foot. Bless their hearts.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

messymimi said...

This is one of those times when i have no words.

Jan said...

Ah the irony...Goodbye customer base

cube said...

Sandee: Yes, they're shooting themselves in the foot, but I'm not blessing any part of their hateful selves. Paying way too much for something to look "cool" isn't my style.

cube said...

Messymimi: Sometimes we all run out of words.

cube said...

Jan: Maybe there's a common strain with this company and the NFL. Double down on stupid. Who knew?

DaBlade said...

I gave up watching the NFL and that was hard for me to do. Giving up purchasing the vest? Not so much.

MNL (Cactus Haiku) said...

Pretty sad when the company says -- he's an idiot so he no longer works for us even though we let him keep the title. Pay him no never mind. I think -- if someone quits or is fired, they lose the title -- that way they can't get the company in trouble when they get public foot-in-mouth disease because they don't really care since they are gone.

Granny Annie said...

I couldn't find the article. All too confusing for me.

cube said...

DaBlade: I agree. I used to watch the NFL before they began kneeling and giving it up was doable. There is no way way in the world that I would've done business with this oh so cool and way overpriced company.

cube said...

MNL (Cactus Haiku) a.k.a. MNL (Cactus Catz): You know what else is sad... when a person can't get their avatar straight. What an awful thing to see.

cube said...

Granny Annie: I just checked the link. It worked fine. I don't know what's going on with it.