Thursday, January 18, 2018

Transgender Mafia

Transgender Mafia Puts Disabled Vet On Unemployment

This veteran said you can't change DNA.

Seriously? This gets more out of control by the day.


LL said...

As I understand their assertion, a straight male is now obliged to allow a tranny to kiss him - or be fired? I think that I'd rather eat roadkill because from a bacteria-transfer perspective, it's likely cleaner.

Maybe Bradley/Chelsea Manning will be elected to the US Senate in Maryland. He's checking all the boxes: Traitor, felon, tranny, but he has that uncomfortably caucasian genetic legacy that weighs him down. Never mind, you can self-identify as any gender or race at a whim and swap at a whim according to whatever pervert makes these rules up in South Beach, Austin, NYC and San Francisco.

Freak is the 'new normal'.

Sandee said...

Weirder and weirder is what's happening.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Jan said...

total insanity and more insane every day.

DaBlade said...

Sad. Soviet style culture SS... I assume I would have been terminated many times over the last few years except for the fact that I work for family-owned business. I'm a little outspoken if you hadn't noticed.

messymimi said...

Some days the news just makes me shake my head. No way do i want to ask if things can get worse, that would be tempting fate.

Kid said...

I'm rebranding PC to People Control.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I am numb.
That is their intent.
We need to continue to fight this effort too normalize nonsense.

cube said...

This all started with pleas from the gays to just live their lives. Now it has morphed into LGBTQWTF, or I like to call them LGBTxyz, command that we not just bless their lifestyle, but we are to participate in it because we're not allowed to be straight.

This is insanity and every time we give an inch, they will demand an acre.

Kid said...

obama gave them an inch a day. Now they are like maguais who have been fed after midnight and been allowed to get wet.

cube said...

LL: Sadly, freak is the new normal, but only if we retro normals allow it.

cube said...

Sandee & Jan: Yes, weirder and more insane by the day. Oy!

cube said...

DaBlade: If this progresses, maybe we'll be in adjoining cells in the liberal archipelago. I hope you're morse code proficient.

cube said...

Messymimi: In Greek mythology, the gods of Mount Olympus didn't like to tempt fate either. Who am I to argue with that.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: Normalizing the bizarre... that's the plan as I see it.

cube said...

Kid: Yes, what began as a harmless little group of Mogwai has morphed into an all-encompassing maw to swallow our traditions, both legal and cultural.