Saturday, March 03, 2018

High Tech Chicks

The Silicon Valley Elite’s Latest Status Symbol: Chickens

FTA: "Their pampered birds wear diapers and have personal chefs — but lay the finest eggs tech money can buy."

How is it that such "supposedly" smart people make such bird-brained choices?


LL said...

"While the rest of the nation spends $15 on an ordinary chicken at their local feed store, Silicon Valley residents might spend more than $350 for one heritage breed."

This is the first that I've heard of this, but I am not surprised. It's clearly progressive.

Jan said...

I do love the idea of bringing eggs to a dinner party instead of wine.

cube said...

LL: Very high-end progressive. $20,000 chicken coop? Seriously?

cube said...

Jan: Funny you would bring that up. My sister has had chickens for years now and she gives all the eggs away in Tupperware egg cartons. She eats store-bought eggs because she doesn't like her own chickens' eggs. She says they taste funny. That's about as unbelievable as my brother who has a boat, loves to fish, but doesn't eat fish of any kind.

Sandee said...

If it's in California then I'm not surprised. Bunch of weirdos living here. The government is full of them.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Ed Bonderenka said...

$20,000 a coop isn't chicken feed.
Well. Maybe it is.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: It's chicken feed for folks with more money than brains.

cube said...

Sandee: California is full of them and so is Florida, New York, Detroit, Chicago, et al.

messymimi said...

While i wouldn't mind having chickens for the eggs, i certainly would treat them like chickens.

cube said...

Messymimi: Yes, I'd rather not waste my money either.