These two bacon-weaaved porkloins were the stars of the meal, yes...

but several T-bone steaks, mashed potatoes & gravy, and grilled asparagus and green beans helped the rest of the ensemble.
Hope your Christmas was as good as ours.
OOOPs I forgot the big cheesecake...
We had a wonderful meal too. Roast beef, dressing, potatoes and gravy, broccoli and my famous garlic bread. Looks like we both had great meals yesterday.
I linked this post to Wordless Wednesday.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Well, that looks great, Cube. I mean, better than great, because no matter what bacon surrounds, it makes it even better. Which brings me to question the judgment of vegetarians, vegans, Muslims and Jews.
Merry Christmas to the cube family! So much great food... I'll re-start the program after the cookies disappear... or not. See ya in 2019!
Sandee: Yum yum yum. Your 'famous garlic bread' makes me want to go on on car trip.
LL: How much more bacconoy can you get with surrounding pork with bacon? Is baccony even a word? I'll tell you, that pork loin was delicious.
DaBlade: Thank you for stopping by. Hoping for a great 2019!
It sounds like a good time was had by all who dined with you!
Cube - you could add bacon to the green beans and to the stuffing... more bacony.
That is a beautiful entree but anything with bacon is beautiful.
Sandee, & DaBlade & Messimimi and many others who didn't happen by, we wish you a good Christmas.
Messymimi: It was a good time, wish you could've been a guest.
LL: Bacon, bacon, bacon! Typical man. Hope your day was a bacony day. Is that even a word?
Jan: In this case, bacon was a beautiful thing.
Prime Rib Roast w/raw horseradish, Yorkshire pudding, Caesar salad, Spirits. Good dinner.
I started Christmas Day with bacon.
I started this day with bacon.
I will probably start tomorrow with bacon.
If I can wait that long.
Kid: Glad you had a good dinner.
Ed Bonderenka: Bacon. Bacon. Bacon. Lol.
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