Friday, October 22, 2004

The French have a saying for... you Kerry voters!

"Nostalgie pour la boue," (Yearning for the Mud) gives way to, "Nostalgie pour la defaite," (Yearning for the Defeat) of America, that is.

This is from a must read article at American Digest, "Yearning for the Mud: The Kerry-Heinz Ticket & The Psychotic Party Platform." Heres the link:
just look for Vanderleun's post for 10/21/04.

It is a well-written, powerful piece that accurately describes the malaise of American defeatism that Kerry & his voters see as "the way things must be," namely an America that is weak, retiring, and apologetic to the world social milieu.

Seriously folks, look this up. It's depressing & sad, but worth the read.

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