Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dangerous Break

AFP Story On Obama Daughter's Spring Break Trip To Mexico Scrubbed From Internet

Censorship in America? Substitute a Republican president's 13 year old daughter going on a costly spring break trip to a country where Americans have been advised not to visit and see if there is a different approach to the media coverage of the event.

Some pictures of this listless bunch are still available from the Mexican press at Quien.com

Hurry though, we don't know how much longer this story will be allowed to be news.


sue hanes said...

Cube - I am outraged by this story - of a listless bunch of teenagers - led by the daughter of our disgusting President of the United States herself - going on a trip to Mexico - and being protected by our own Secret Service - which we all know is a very costly thing - and during a recession.

Well - I for one - Cube - thank you for exposing something as shocking as this.

So thanks - Cube.

And have a great day - Cube.

Jan said...

Having trouble commenting. Wonder if my comment is scrubbed...

Jan said...

I got a 503 on my first comment. Strange...

cube said...

Jan: It's been happening to me as well. I think Blogger is having one of those days.

cube said...

Jan: Once you've been blocked in China, they have an inside track on you ;-)

silly rabbit said...

I am also outraged by this ridiculous and inexcusable expense!

But then you have to wonder too at the quality of the parenting that she is getting. I know that I would not send a child of mine to Mexico at this point in time with all the Americans who have been kidnapped and held for ransom or murdered there recently. They have an obvious lack of judgement.

Are they trying to buy her friends by this sort of showboating? She's too young to be going off to other countries for spring break, with or without body guards up the wazoo!

Always On Watch said...

Now that Mexico has had a sizable earthquake, the msm are talking about Malia's spring break.

Since when do 13 year olds go on a parent-less spring break, anyway?

Or is this break a field trip? I ask because the Sidwell Friends School, where Malia attends, doesn't begin spring break until Friday. I checked the school's calendar.


The White House is calling the trip "spring break" now.

Brooke said...

At first I thought, well, yeah, Mexico is dangerous.

But then it occurred to me that an administration this corrupt probably just paid off whatever cartel in that area is in charge.

More likely, the Obama's don't want even more of their 'let them eat cake' attitude in the media as the election grows nearer.

Z said...

Brooke, excellent hypothesis about paying off the MX's!

It's a class trip, from what I'd heard..no?

Isn't it amazing that the press did drop the stories? The WH is saying it's because children are off limits.

Sue's right........it is shocking

Trekkie4Ever said...

And the top post clearly says the daughter of the president of the United States. So, they can't retract that.

The kid is in Mexico wasting more of our tax dollars, how nice.

This really does tick me off. I paid $60 to fill my tank Tuesday afternoon and to hear this crap?!

Yeah, I am sure a lot of us would love to go on vacation right about now.

Granny Annie said...

Yes it is an expensive trip and no I don't want any of my grandkids taking such a trip but I'm still for "hands off" the President's children and we have to know this was the safest kid in Mexico. Those kids need time to themselves and the creating of some good memories. It's got to be a drop in the bucket compared to the President's other extravagant personal spending.

Cheryl said...

Shame on you, Sydney. Hands off the freaking kids. How'd you like to be implicated in the murders and business dealings of your father.

Cheryl said...

Shame on you, Sydney. Hands off the freaking kids. How'd you like to be implicated in the murders and business dealings of your father.

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