I know it's a sad event and my heart goes out to the family of this poor man:
Man Dressed As A Clown Dies During Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Can't help myself, but inappropriate puns keep occurring to me just like in the episode of the Mary Tyler Moore Show when Chuckles the Clown passes...
That is my all time favorite TV show. I could so relate because one time I got the giggles at a most inappropriate time. I learned the value of dark humor.
One of my favorites too, but honestly, many of the shows that came out of the MTM studio were gems.
Yes, black humor has its value. Sometimes if you don't laugh, you cry.
Oh, my, that really IS a Chuckles the Clown moment...who can help but think that, right?!
But, how sad....obviously, my heart's with his wife.
ALL the Mary Tyler Moore's WERE gems, no doubt about it, Cube!!
Cube, I posted the turkey photo I'd left out :-) Thanks for coming to the food blog!!
I'm thankful to know you and share the Lebanese/ Armenian cooking with you! Did you see my mom's stuffed grape leaves on the 'mezze' table? I have a close up of those but didn't post it! For you, I should have! Better yet, I wish I could GET some to you..they are SO SO GOOD! They're the rice/onion filled ones, served room temp...mmmm
I know you had a GRAND day and I'm so glad. xxx
Z: I have many fond memories of the old MTM shows... the one about Chuckles makes me feel a little guilty today though.
I did not miss your mom's stuffed grape leaves. I would love to try them. You mentioned rice/onion filled... we also include ground beef in ours, along with cumin, allspice and cinnamon.
So good with warm pita bread and yogurt. Yet, when my husband's cousin's children were visiting, they would run out of the pool long enough to grab a grape leaf in each hand without any of the amenities.
We did have a great day. I'm glad you did, too.
His name was Robert Blasetti and he looked like a very loving person.
Few of us get to choose when we will depart this life.
Losing a husband or father at a parade -- for me that would mean that I could never again attend a parade.
BTW, in a few weeks, I've got that particular Mary Tyler Moore Show queued up for posting. A great segment -- right up their with Carol Burnette's spoof of Gone with the Wind.
The poor man! Talk about sudden, and the poor timing, too!
I hope his wife is doing as well as she can be.
Cube - That is sad about the man dying during the parade.
We were talking last night about how scary clowns can be. Like in Poltergeist and in the Stephen King book It. It's odd how something that is meant to be funny and make people happy can also scare them. I know it made an impression on me.
Hope your Thanksgiving was great.
I know you hate to see your daughter go back to school - but Christmas break is going to be here soon.
Cube - I think my daughter was on the computer. This is from Sue Hanes.
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