Beware of The creeps, it leaps, it glides & slides all over the place.
Yep, the U.S. has gone completely mad. It's a war on women, but the liberals are the one causing he war.Have a fabulous day. :)
All of us in California are grateful to Florida for being Florida.
Sandee: The left has turned this country upside down and the gutless GOP has allowed it to happen.
Jen: I grew up in Manhattan so I'm no stranger to raspberries...:-p
Cube - That is one vulgar sign - the poor woman who has to drive by it with her children - who can read.
Somebody hacked a road sign. Some comments confuse me but I too am no stranger to raspberries. Pfttttttt
Culture rot. Used to be a women only had to worry about wolf whistles from construction workers.
The continued decay of a once great country.
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Yep, the U.S. has gone completely mad. It's a war on women, but the liberals are the one causing he war.
Have a fabulous day. :)
All of us in California are grateful to Florida for being Florida.
Sandee: The left has turned this country upside down and the gutless GOP has allowed it to happen.
Jen: I grew up in Manhattan so I'm no stranger to raspberries...
Cube - That is one vulgar sign - the poor woman who has to drive by it with her children - who can read.
Somebody hacked a road sign. Some comments confuse me but I too am no stranger to raspberries. Pfttttttt
Culture rot. Used to be a women only had to worry about wolf whistles from construction workers.
The continued decay of a once great country.
Yes! Finally someone writes about commercial royalty free music.
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