Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I've seen plenty of human babies do the same thing. It's so darn cute.


Sandee said...

Awww, that's the purrfect Feline Friday or Awww Monday post. Too cute.

Loved the cone of shame on the best. Talk about scatter.

Have a terrific day. ☺

cube said...

I meant to post it last Friday, but ran out of time.

Is is too cute.

The falling Doberman is a favorite of mine, too because I have one of my own and she does the goofiest things. You'd never know she can be scary when she thinks one of her humans are threatened.

Granny Annie said...

I have seen lots of humans do the same but usually they were drunk. Hope all those critters got to take some good naps.

sue hanes said...

Cube - I couldn't get the link.

cube said...

Granny Annie: I've seen college students nod off like that in class, but they were sleep deprived, not drunk.

I hope they get good naps, too. Come to think of it, I could use one myself.

cube said...

Sue Hanes: It's working for me. If it doesn't pop up by itself, just click on the part of the link that reads 'post'.

jan said...

Somebody put in many fun hours putting this together.

cube said...

Jan: A labor of love. With two big dogs and three cats in our house, I often see them do very funny things, but never seem to have a camera handy.