Monday, November 13, 2017


Poof is right. Is it just me or did this weekend fly by all too quickly? I mean quicker than usual...


Sandee said...

Yep, it's gone. I also linked this post to Awww Mondays.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Adrienne said...

It was pretty poofy here too

cube said...

Sandee: I guess time flies by faster when you're not wasting time watching football.

cube said...

Adrienne: Yet Monday will drag on and on *sigh*

Jan said...

The entire universe is speeding up. Except for Mondays. They are the same.

messymimi said...

This one was odd, with a holiday for the banks on Friday and for the post office on Saturday. Totally threw me off.

DrillerAA said...

When you're retired, it's all one big week-end. But the time still flies by too quickly.

Kid said...

They all go so quick now.

Anonymous said...

Gone before you can ever enjoy it. *sigh*

Ed Bonderenka said...

Happens every week about this time....

cube said...

Jan: Thermodynamically I know that's wrong, but it sure does feel that way sometimes.

cube said...

Messymimi: Maybe that's what it was.

cube said...

DrillerAA09: One long weekend, now that sounds good to me. Tempus fugit indeed.

cube said...

Kid: Oh yes, it's getting so that I'm afraid to blink ;)

cube said...

Annie: The funny thing is that I was enjoying the weekend - maybe too much. Since I cut out watching football, I've found better ways to pass the time.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: Yes, I know that, but some Mondays feel as though they come more quickly than others.

cube said...

I think it's weird that no one asked what that thing was in the photo. I'm just saying...

thanida said...

This is very useful information. thanks for sharing such an great article.