Friday, December 29, 2017

Recalcitrant Bird Talk

This brought a smile to my face this morning.

Go here if you want to know more about Mischief the white necked raven


Sandee said...

That was delightful. Thanks for the smiles on this cold and foggy Friday morning.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Jan said...

They also remember faces and seek revenge which isn't quite so cute.

cube said...

Sandee: It made me smile too.

cube said...

Jan: Nevermore.

messymimi said...

Ravens are beautiful and so smart. Some of them have been known to make or modify tools.

Kid said...

Animals are much smarter than most people seem to give credit. Jan, I also read where crows remember a face for years and remember that they had a pleasant or unpleasant experience with that person. I've read about crows bringing a young girl gifts who fed them and maybe played with them

Anyway Cube, Nice to smell the roses from time to time. Thanks.

DaBlade said...

I'm like the crow in that I will remember whether I had a pleasant or unpleasant experience at a particular restaurant when I happen to drive by. I am not like the crow in that I refuse to eat maggot-infested opossum road kill that has been pancaked in traffic and the hot sun for hours.... unless it's Happy Hour.

Granny Annie said...

Delightful post. The girl and the raven were both entertaining. I wonder if I could teach my guinea fowl to talk. LOL

P@triot said...

After losing what should have been a pretty winnable election, it would make sense for Hillary Clinton to sit down with her team and assess what happened and why they lost. It would be useful information for anybody that wants to challenge Trump in 2020. However, that kind of self-reflection would be grounds for accepting responsibility for something and Hillary Clinton does not do that.

Instead, Hillary chose to blame James Comey. In revealing what is either a stunning lack of self-awareness or just her innate penchant for blaming others for her troubles, she decided to attempt to make the case to donors the reason she lost states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio was due to letters sent by FBI Director James Comey to members of Congress about her emails.

WomanHonorThyself said...

HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR Cube! Here's to a year of patriotism and prosperity! :-)

Ed Bonderenka said...

I was watching closely and I couldn't see her lips move!
Happy New Year, Cube!

Anonymous said...

We like this video very much.
