Saturday, December 02, 2017

Super Moon

The Only Supermoon Of The Year Will Rise Sunday Evening

Plenty of time for you to grab some bubbly and your honey to view the celestial show.


Jan said...

Sounds more interesting than watching a video

messymimi said...

If we have a clear night tomorrow, not sure, i know we were foggy today.

LL said...

Any excuse for a party (my motto) clearly applies to this event!!

Rock on!

Sandee said...

I'll be sleeping. It's what we do at night. I'll see the wonderfulness all over the interwebs.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Kid said...

Mr Moon

WomanHonorThyself said...

I love seeing it...was so lovely here! xoxox

cube said...

Jan: Yes, the videos are good as an aftermath if you couldn't get out there in vivo, but the actual viewing is much better.

cube said...

Messymimi: I hope it was a clear night for you in NO, because I can't count how many times I've been out there and Florida clouds mess it up for us.

cube said...

LL: Now we're talking. Eclipses, supermoons, Perseids, Geminids, et al meteor showers, and Friday nights... all good party events.

cube said...

Sandee: What? 10:30 pm is too late? OK, whatever floats your boat (and you have an awesome one). There will be plenty of nice videos of the aftermath.

cube said...

Kid: A beautiful sight on any night.

cube said...

WomanHonorThyself: My brain tells me it isn't really any bigger (just closer), but the sight of it fools my eye into thinking it is an awesome sight.