Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Comrade Obama

Obama Jets Off To Legitimize South Africa's Zimbabwifying Regime

FTA: "Now, Mr. Obama is inaugurating his most significant international project as an ex-president, with an announcement on Monday that the Obama Foundation plans to convene 200 young people this July in Johannesburg for five days of meetings, workshops and technical training."

More community organizers in South Africa only means a faster route towards weeds and hunger.


Sandee said...

Not a fan of anything this president did. I did do a happy dance when he exited the white house though.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

cube said...

Sandee: He's still at it. Now he's spreading his bad policies around the world.

LL said...

He needs to stay in Africa. There's a lot of organizing that he can do there.

Jan said...

Proof that the welfare of humans is at the bottom of the list

cube said...

LL: They need organization in Africa, but not of the Marxist variety. BO just needs to STFU.

cube said...

Jan: It's all about power with the progs... theirs and they always find plenty of useful tools.

messymimi said...

They need to watch their backs.

Kid said...

Yes. They are going to take the 'white' farmers land, then they are going to show us once again that they are not competent at growing food or feeding themselves.

Survival of the fittest has been thwarted by liberalism and doomed the planet to this growing cancer of total incompetence. Eventually it will consume the ever decreasing number of competent individuals.

cube said...

Messimimi: Their backs have many people behind them and they have lots of money. It's a shame that they do.

cube said...

Kid: I hear you and it makes me cry.

Ed Bonderenka said...

And who finances these things?

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: I would hope this is coming out of obummer's pocket. It would really piss me off if I found out that taxpayers are paying for these enormous commie vacations.

Ed Bonderenka said...

or Soros.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: the evil Satan himself.