Ann Barnhart has a few choice things to say about "the filthy faggot Cardinal of Newark, New Jersey, Joseph Tobin" (her words, not mine):
Gay Gym Cruising Cardinal Tobin’s “Nighty-night, baby, I love you” Sodomy Partner Is The Italian Actor that is Playing John the Baptist
If you read a novel about the not-so-secret deception and intrigue that is actually going on in the Catholic Church, you'd scoff at the author's vivid imagination.
So much deception going on and for some it's given a pass and for others it's a scandal. I'm so sick of all of this deception.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Comedy Plus: The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church is stunning and not in a good way. Another illustration of the old saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." It's astounding to see it those who have devoted their life to Christ.
The Lavender Mafia has Francis in their hands.
Ed Bonderenka: They don't call it the Bergoglio mafia for nothing. I thought he was a typical south american commie from the start and he has proven himself to be an apparatchik ever since. He's not supporting the Church. He talks big about helping the poor, but behind the scenes, he covers up the crimes of the elites in the church, while they live it up they way the elites are supposed to live. Typical commie attitude... all for me and mine, and none for the and thine. It's all about power. It sickens me how they're bringing down the Catholic Church.
There are many good, devout Catholics and i find their leaders are betraying them and it makes me ill.
Messymimi: I can't believe the hypocrisy, the lying and the abuses of the church. I know many devout Catholics, but how long will that last with all the recent shenanigans? I remember a local scandal years ago when a Bishop bought very expensive gifts for a young "parishioner" who was accused of being the Bishop's lover. We all know it happened because it was the talk of the town for days, but, I tried today, and I couldn't find any articles today to corroborate it. I guess it was just a bad dream... yeah right. The hypocrisy is sickening.
As a former Catholic (Altar Boy) turned protestant, I know a lot of good Christian Catholics.
The Church however is a different story.
I hope this doesn't cause some to fall away.
That's why it's best to trust Christ.
Ed Bonderenka: I gave up on faith all together when I found out about the priest pedophile horrors that the Catholic church was complicit about hiding. I've been a lapsed catholic for many years.
I don't know anything about your Protestant faith. A little guidance would me nice. Seriously, no pressure.
Rd Bondrenka: Thank you for that.
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